Fri 03 Jan
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ L E T S H AN G !!!! ) (72)-614-1583 - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa, tampabat area)
I Have Ice Cold Beer! Two For Happy Hour Starts Right Now Until 10:30 Tonight! Happy Hour Two For... - 44
(Pinellas Co, PINELLAS PARK incall)
HURRY Last Night 4 Specials!█ █ █ Very Well REVIEWED! █ 💋** INCALL 80 **** Outcall ONLY 125! **** - 37
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Fletcher)
FUN for you PLeasure PLAYMATE ~ №➊ ReQeuSTEd • °o♥o°• - CLiCK HERE • BlonDE • ߀AUTIFU╚ ß💣Mß $╠╣€╚╚💥 - 24
(Hillsborough Co, My Place or Yours!)
friday night lightsl 💋*♛platinum princess CASHMERE 4075388405💋*♛ - 19
(Hillsborough Co, bucsh gardens area incalls)
Friday Morning INCALL Special ALL DAY - Time 2 Play with Tall Sexy Brunette with Legs!!!! - 22
(Palm Harbor)
Come Fly With Me! ♥38 D'S ♥TIRED OF WINGING IT ALONE?♥♥Your Sexy Stewardess Delivers ✈ Boarding NOW! - 43
(Pinellas Co, St.Petersburg)
Bad Bad Jessy Brown happy 1 rub sexy 2 slide 3 stress relief get it all reg 80hr oor full 100hr - 45
(Pinellas Co, Gulf to bay and us19 north)
bad ,bad jessy brown Girl friend happy rub sexy slide get it all 80 hr 9 to 2am - 45
(Pinellas Co, clearwater/st pete airport)
@@@===== B U S T Y====S O U T H E R N - B E L L ==== B O M B S H E L L=====@@@ - 22
bad jessy brown 3 in 1 get it all stress relief fun body slide happygirl friend rub 50 hh or 80. hr - 48
(Hillsborough Co, Palm harbor us 19)
80 In Call Special !!! 125 out call to spring hill area ONLY - 21
(Henando Co, Pasco, NPR, Hudson, Spring Hill areas)
60 special :-) NEW Pics & Sweet bubble butt * Wow Rack & a great Smile with 60 special FOR U - - 29
(Pasco Co, Hudson / us 19)
50 hh 80 hr get it all alone for the hoildays all day/ni#1 reviews bad jessy brown - 48
(Hillsborough Co, Palm harbor us 19)
✨💐100 HH OuTcAll Special💐✨727-520-3552✨ - 27
(Clearwater,St.Petersburg, Tampa, Dunedin, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
тσρ σƒ тhє ℓιηє✴80/20m ,100/30m 180/60m Tonight Only✴δε∂υ©τ¡√ε💎δk¡ℓℓε∂★ • δєχу♥ єχ¢ℓυѕiνє ❣ - 25
(Pinellas Co, Saint Petersburg North & 275★, Tampa)
**** Newest and Sexest Dominican WILL MAKE YOUR DAY OR NIGHT!!!!!***** - 23
(Ulmerton275/Clearwater/ALL of Tampa Bay)
NEW PICS 💜 PETITE 💜 BLONDE SpiNNer 💜 Sexy & Seductive 💜 KISS ME ALL OVER 💜 Upscale Companion 💜 - 35
(Pinellas Co, INCALL St.Petersburg MLK St N & 22nd Ave)
*****M O N D A Y ... P L A Y O F F..( NOT ..J ..OFF) ...kissy....S P E C I A L ...65 ******* - 37
Melt Away your Tension with a Sophisticated Tall and BUSTY BLOND ~ Happiness Guaranteed - 33
(Pinellas Co, 38DD / In-Calls ONLY / 727~484~0674)
kacey! young and fun! 813-290-1135(NEW NUMBER AGAIN!) $80 incall special!!!!! - 23
(Hillsborough Co, tampa)
KAYLA --------> st pete pLaYmATE!!!!! soooo SWeeeT, soo playful, SOOO HOTTT! - 26
(ST PETERSBURG (pinellas/tampa))
JUICY BOOTY early bird special 70 CASHMERE 407 538 8405 EARLY bird 70 - 19
(Hillsborough Co, w.hillsbrough ave,armenia,tpa incalls)
jessy 50 hh or 80. hr3 in1 #1 girl friend rub alone for new years call outstanding reviews 9 yr - 48
(Hillsborough Co, Palm harbor us 19)
Italian hottie is All You Need To Satisfy Every Bone In Your Body😘👅🔥🌟👉🏃💃 - 26
(Hillsborough Co, in..out hills n dalemabry, Tampa)
jessy 3 for 1, rub 2,body slide3,full stress relief,get it all -100 hr - 45
(Pinellas Co, clearwater gulf to bay by hooter)
II Don't Need To Tell You How Great I Am -- My Reviews Speak For Themselves!! =) - 30
(Hillsborough Co, my house--Dale Mabry/Airport/Stadium)
☆ HoTT Ebony Puerto Rican BoMoBsHeLl ☆ (NEW Pics) WeTTeR iS BeTtEr Specials! ter122848 - 21
(Incall - Ulmerton)
☆. GoRgEoUs uPsCaLe GfE/Co-ed ☆ SeXy Tia EbonyMix HIGHLY REVIEWED Valentines DAY SPECIAL - 19
(INCALL/ OUTCALL St pete & S. Tampa)
Got Milk ...4 nursing sessions now - 27
(Hillsborough Co, Pasco Co, Tampa, tampa Clearwater pasco)
Got Milk...Nursing specials all day! - 27
(new port richey,tampa,Clearwater, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
fun, friendly1.rubs 2,body slide,3,stress relief,get it all-80 hr jessy 12am - 45
(Pinellas Co, clearwater gulf to bay by hooter)
Get These Big Breast and Curvacious Booty! *Visiting* S3x Addict W3T ((JuIcEE)) pInK SEXY Alicia - 21
**DEZ**Your Exotic Island Girl!! I'm ready to cater to all your EROTIC needs!! 100 Special!! - 25
(N. St Pete(minutes off 275) my place)
2 ~ for ~ 2 One blonde & one brunette for Great Afternoon, Evening & Late Nights Incall - 22
(Clearwater/Safety Harbor)
🌟 5 STAR .. GF TYPE...SEXY PETITE BLONDE SPINNER.... For Your Pleasure! Upscale and Classy🌟 - 35
(Pinellas Co, INCALL St Petersburg MLK St N & 22nd Ave)
2 Girl Special Blonde & Brunette 2 Hot Girls For The Price Of One Double Your Fun! **200** INCALL - 23
1,soft rub 2. sexy,sip and slide 3.girl friend stress relief-r100 hr - 44
(Pinellas Co, clearwater-10 mins)
KiTTie*-BaY AreA's FyNesT! 15-30-H SpeCiaLs! DoN't GeT iN LiNe JuSt GeT oN ThE LiNe 727 242 3023
(Clearwater Rd/ ulmerton 275)
3 in 1 bad jessy brown the badest sexest naked body slide rub 80 or full 100 - 46
(Pinellas Co, clearwater coach men us19 n)
❤❤2 Girl Special❤❤ New In town❤❤ Howt girls❤❤ In calls only❤❤ Safe location❤❤ - 25
(Pinellas Co, Central Pinellas)
50 hh rub or 80 hr 3 in1 #1 full girl friend rub alone for new years call outstanding reviews 9 yr - 48
(Hillsborough Co, Palm harbor us 19)
2sexy girls SpEciALs {{ JUICY BOOTY }} SeXy iRrESiSiTiBLe ((EyE CANDI)) AmAziNg Fr3@K!y - 1819
(DALEMABRY/next to strip clubs)
YES I DO!!! And I'd LOVE To Do It With YOU! ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ....
(Tampa--your place or mine!)
Thu 02 Jan
100 sPcls G⭕rGe⭕u§ FAC€ &TH;€¥★ ★ 🇨🅰🇳"🇹👎🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪WITH ME➬§M⭕KiN' H⭕T B⭕D¥❣ ❣ - 21
(Fort Myers, InCall 🏠 & OutCall 🚙)
Start now make money today!!! Looking for 1 Experienced day shift girl. - 99
(Tampa, Hyde Park 107 N. Armenia Ave, Tampa)
ExOdiC DoMiNicaN GoDdess vIsItInG f0r tH3 HoliDaY..come have some holiday fun with me. - 23
(Tampa, Busch)
WeNesDaY AM StReSs ReLieF $SpEcIaL$ w/KashMir ♥80 KiSSeS♥ 813/431-7485 TPA/INCALL - 35
♛WARNING ♚ Addictive Eye Candy ♛ I AM ALL YOU NEED ♚ $weet & KI$$ABLE ♛ Come get a dose of ME ♚ - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Airport/Hillsborough area)
◽▪▫Very SWEET... A Spinner Indeed ... With An Extremely GOOD HEAD On My Shoulders ▫▪◽ - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
WARNING! DO NOT BOOK AN APPOINTMENT UNTIL YOU READ THIS! .......... .......... .......... . - 99
(Tampa, off Dale Mabry-- close to EVERYWHER)