Mon 06 Jan
Beautiful!Georgeous!Sexy! Angelina!💋Come play with me! - 22
(Brandon,florida, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
@#%$&~ Sexy BBW ~*~New Pics~*~ Once you Pop The Fun Don't Stop :) ~&$%#@ - 27
(Pasco Co, New Port Richey...(Close to SR54 & US19))
* ; )$50 * Ms. Passion ( ready to make ur nite ) 727-495-8119 ****Phaty asz!*** - 20
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Busch area incall)
2🔥Girls $30/30 min(lingerie models work on tips) Now Hiring: (813) 540-4094 Open 24HRS - 28
(1053 west Busch blvd, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
(Outcall &Incall;) ** Exotic** Ebony n Indian mix** The Best Experience gaurenteed (( specials)) - 19
(bush blvd)
PALM HARBOR * WED * 10AM -7PM * Puurfffeectttt HARD BODY *Real Pics** CAITLIN ** Sexy Brunette ** - 40
(Pinellas Co, 727-744-9189 * WED * 10AM -11PM)
(Outcall &Incall;) ** Exotic** Ebony n Indian mix** The Best Experience gaurenteed (( specials)) - 19
(bush blvd)
((NEW PICS)) 80 spc! Right noW👇😎⚠️Caution⚠️ DanGerOu$ KiLLer CuRves AhEAD👉 Leah Foxx! 4437429355 - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Hillsborough co Dale Mabry Stadium area)
***NeW iN tOwN***!!!***iMmEdIaTe AvAiLaBiLiTiEs***!!! GrEaT sPeCiAlS***nEw PiCs!!! - 28
(Hillsborough Co, brandon/ surrounding areas)
🚨New🚨🔥Justina 🔥Available Now $30 for 30 min (Models work on tips) 813-933-4411. - 28
(1053 West Busch Blvd, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
*Visiting* W3T ((TiGhT)) pUlL mY haIr SpanK mY > Alicia 24/7 TeR ReViEw Me *sPeCiAl - 21
[[ NEW GIRL ]] ••• } Visiting _ST. Pete/Clearwater_ Area ~ Sweet&Sexy; __ your ORIENTAL Princess __ - 24
(Pinellas Co, 5th AVE SOUTH ST. PETE & OUTCALLS)
***** JACKPOT! And it just got better and better ... (actual review quote) SUPER SPECIALS! - 25
Italian Princess Out Calls Avail. 2 girls 4 200.00 Full Hour In Call 80.00 - 23
(Hillsborough Co, AIRPORT//OUT CALLS)
Incall Incall And Outcall Blonde Blue Eyes 34dd 24 34 108 lbs Incall special !00 - 34
(wherever you are!!!)
European Companion - 100 special - slim, petite, and the best legs in Tampa! - 39
(Pinellas Co, Downtown St. Petersburg)
°°★°° ExClUsIvE & ExOtic PuErTo RiCaN GoDdEsS °°★°° - 18
(Hillsborough Co, Outcall Everywhere & Incall in Tampa)
*CLASSY *not *Trashy * PLAYMATE * Blonde *S*Q*U*I*R*T*E* R * MANDY~ *New pics* (727)565-3820 IN/OUT - 25
*ClASSY*Not *Trashy* Perky * Blonde PLAYMATE *S*Q*U*I*R* T*E*R* MANDY New pics (727)565_3820 ~150 - 25
Best in Pasco - Lovely Lisa - Specials - Short on Time? 100 - New Cam Pics Just Added - 38
(Pinellas Co, West Pasco / Pinellas County Line)
full time pay,full or part time hours,now hiring, best money in Tampa, guaranteed...... $$$$$$ -18 - 18
(Tampa, Tampa and surrounding areas Naples fort)
NEW IN TOWN T_A_K_E __o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y! - 19
(Hillsborough Co, Airport , Westshore, & OUTCALLS AVIL)
*** I Heard She Can *** Do Some Tricks With *** Her Mouth *** - 27
(Hillsborough Co, come to me all night fowler)
Hot New Sexy Blonde= ) == St.Pete incall === only= ) =) Specials * ** - 25
(Pinellas Co, St. Pete, incall)
📍Friday's Nice safe incall 📌⏳😗85qv⌚110 hh📲140 hr⚠2hr $200 🏁OUT CALLS EVERYWHERE $160$ - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Kenny blvd , westshore mall incal..out 2, Tampa)
Flat rates 🚨100/15 min 160/30 min🚨sessions 🔥Girls Available Till 12am 813-933-4411 - 27
(1053 west Busch Blvd Tampa go 33612, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
Bad jessy brown fun size body slider/stress reliefer,get it all 80hr flat 3 in 1 late nights - 45
(Pinellas Co, clearwater/st pete airport)
Beautiful Brunette Let Me brighten up your day Sunshine Drive Me Wild! - 43
(Pinellas Co, St.Petersburg)
Bad Jessy after shopping SPECIAL! 50hh 80hr 100 completely Happy til 2AM - 45
(Pinellas Co, clearwater/st pete airport)
bad bad jessy brown bday rubs 3 in 1 body slider/stress relief 80hr friday thru sat 11AM - 45
(Pinellas Co, clearwater/st pete airport)
Be Pampered by a Busty Swedish Blonde *) - - 38
(Pinellas Co, Ulmerton/Feathersound/275 bridge/gandy)
Baseball tonight - Slide out on the wife and into me! that's our special secrets!! - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Hyde Park Armenia Stadium Casino)
____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ❤ B_U_S_T_Y_ ❤ S_E_X_X_Y ❤B_L_O_N_D_E_❤ S_O_C_C_E_R_ ❤ M_O_M_ ____ - 42
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa St Pete Clearwater)
$70 special The BADDEST HAS ARRIVED VeRY SeDucTivENeW PiCs» AvAiLaBlE 24/7!!!407 473 1282 - 22
❀▓☆#1☆❤ FL¡GHT to ✈ (•§ÄT¡$FACT!ØN•) ✈ Böarding NOW!! ▆Here Limited Time ▆ ÄLL ABÖARD;-)813 965 4293 - 22
(Pinellas Co, clearwater US19 incall/outcalls all over)
*¨¨* *°o☆ JaZZy *¨¨* *°o☆ ====*¨¨* *°o☆ SPECIALS! - 21
*_* Nice Butt *_* *_* Great bOObs *_* Loves Men *_* Great Deals On Longer Sessions*_* - 52
(st pete in call tampa bay out call)
jessy reviewed killer body fun sweet good rep touching rubs n glide stress relief 80hr - 48
(Hillsborough Co, Palm harbor us 19)
•-:¦:-• JawDROPPING BOOTY •-:¦:-!m r€@dy +0 pl@¥° *Th!©k & ju!©¥ 60§p€ls ^~^F£+!§h Fr¡£ndl¥~o★o° - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Busch n 22 incall only)
I am only a blonde in disguise... Come see me now for this tall blonde with the attitude!!! - 22
(Clearwater IN OR OUT)
🔥Girls Available Now! 💯%Real Pics $30/30 min (models work on tips) 813-933-4411 Open 24HRS - 28
(1053 west Busch blvd tampa fl 33612, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
*Guess New Pic* for an **ABSOLUTELY DIVINE SPECIAL!** **US HWY 19N & Tampa Rd **Let's Party!** - 46
(Pinellas Co, pinellas/pasco/Tampa, Tampa)
💗💖💖💖💖💖Gorgeous girl visiting Rocky point drive for one night only huge boobs 💕💕💕💕💕💕💗💯 real pics - 25
(Hernando Co, Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Westshore)
🔥Girls Available Now! $30/30 min (Models work on tips) 💯% real pics 813-933-4411 Open 24HRS - 23
(1053 west Busch blvd tampa fl, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)