Fri 10 Jan
*~*~*Let ME Stimulate YOUR Body & RELIEVE Your STRESS With My SENSUAL Touch*~*~* - 27
Lets get Freaky its Hump Day Wednesday. ..Let me leave you with a Smile....24/7 - 27
(Tampa, Brandon/Tampa and Surrounding areas)
jessy,body sliding,touching sqeezeing full rubs/get it all 80 hr -sun,mon-1 am - 45
(Tampa, clearwater gulf to bay by hooter)
Fellas, come TREAT yourself on ur lunch break. quick session ♥60♥ hhr ♥80♥ - 30
(Tampa, My place in Tampa)
, Delicious, Mature, Sexy and sweet!! Body Rubs!! ClearwaterLargo Rd and East Bay - 53
(, Clearwater)
Escape! *~*~*~ Experience Ecstasy! ~*~*~ Check out New Pics! ~*~*~ I'm Waiting ~*~*~ 352.835.7792 - 44
(Tampa, Spring Hill)
(Tampa, St.pete/clwr 275/Gandy)
***E-x-p-a-n-d PLEASURE! Last-Longer with Tantra! Ancient Secrets 4 Modern Lovers
(Tampa, Tampa, So Florida & Phone or SKYPE too!)
24/7 ◆SiNsuaL TaLL Blonde ♥ XtReMLy SKiLLed ★ STeAmY HoTT & SeXy ☆ You're Gonna L♡VE Me!◇ - 30
(Pinellas Co, New Port Richey- Moog rd/US 19)
1 Sexy L'il Kinkstress. Fetishes Done Like No Other! Need I Say More? Upscale Gated Home. T3R Review - 46
(Stadium/Airport/Intern.Mall/MY HOME, Tampa)
SEXY BIKINI & HEELS body rub / 2 HOT girls waiting for you - 23
(Tampa, Largo --------------- Pinellas County)
*~*~*Let ME Stimulate YOUR Body & RELIEVE Your STRESS With My SENSUAL Touch*~*~* - 27
jessy,body sliding,touching sqeezeing full rubs/get it all 80 hr -sun,mon-1 am - 45
(Tampa, clearwater gulf to bay by hooter)
Let the weekend begin! incall or out American CMT! Ready 2 help you relax! - 25
(Tampa, outcall or incall at my home)
Like What U C ? You Should! Sexy Hott Busty Blonde MILF! Discreet Home. Great Reviews Don't Lie! - 45
(Sarasota, Tampa, Tia/R.J.Stadium/International Mall/S.Tpa)
🌟🌟jessy is final back slip n slide body glide mutal rub like other 80 hr hot nake sexy 80 hr rubs - 45
(pinellas palm harbor, Tampa)
💋ATTN GENTLEMEN X💋X💋DIRTY BLONDE X💋X💋Juicy BooTy🍒Sweet GeOrGiA Peach🍒Megan Tyler🍒10 AM-7 PM - 38
(Tampa, 💋 14220 66th St N CLWR 727-359-2180 💋)
24/7 START the NEW YEAR off with a Smile..! Call tonite Only for a Great Hourly Deal!!! - 27
(Tampa, Brandon/Tampa and Surrounding areas)
$./80. $SPeCiaLs$ KooL OFF w/a ☼ HaWt BoDy GLiDe w/KaShMiR INCALL 813/431-7485 - 36
$80 SPeCiAL SWeeT & SaTiSFYinG MuTuaL BoDy 2 BoDy GLiDe w/KashMiR 813/431-7485! - 36
140 Reason 2 Play 24/7 Incall Come By Day or Night!!! Were Tight!!! - 26
(Bradenton/ N. of St. Pete)
☼ A HaWt TanTriC ToUcH By KaShMiR ☼ ♥100 KiSsEs ♥ ~813/506-8828~ TaMpA~ - 34
Like What U C ? You Should! Sexy Hott Busty Blonde MILF! Discreet Home. Great Reviews Don't Lie! - 45
(Sarasota, Tampa, Tia/R.J.Stadium/International Mall/S.Tpa)
I'm Back In Town !~!!! 38DDD Independent Incall or Out Bussiness Man Specails - 47
(Tampa, N. st. pete)
In Town For a Break? ENJOY My Invigorating TOUCH that Will Have You Back For More! - 24
(S. Dale Mabry)
N U R U? Where Dirty Boys Go 2Get Cleaned By Naughty Girls $60 sessions. no TRICKS all TREAT - 24
New To Tampa.... Working ALL WEEK.... Southern girl will rock your world!!!! - 29
(Tampa-Sheldon and Waters)
~~*Let ME Rub U Down & RELEASE Your STRESS! Sensual FULL Body Rubdown*~~ w/ Special Ending !! - 19
New Pics From Your Favorite Midwest Gal....(as long as they dont get deleted jeez) - 33
(N. Pinellas)
24/7 The Baddest in Town So come and Enjoy Lady Fantasy in my world call now for specials
(Tampa Bay Area)
^80.Special Today 1 Hr.=$80. Donation 727 674- 8643 Full Body Rub close 19 and 60 Prvt. Loc.House - 36
♥ 100 ♥ _____ ♥ Men Desire touch ♥ __________ ♥ Affection ♥ _________ ♥ Intimacy & Respect ♥. - 36
(Tampa, stpete)
Start the New year right.. come get a relaxing rubdown...Great Deal..24/7 - 27
(Tampa, Brandon/Tampa and Surrounding areas)
Tantric Relaxation ~~~~~ On the way home ~~~~~Stop in ~~~~30min ~~~~~$80 ~~~ Body to Body relaxatio - 26
Stimulate Your Body With My Sensual Touch ~*~ Satisfying Rubdowns Designed Especially For U - 27
SPECIALS AVAILABLE NOW CALL FOR DETAILS! Let me bring u to my world full of ecstasy and royaliness
(Tampa Bay Area)
❤ SuPeR SweeT ❤ Tall BruNeTTe HoTTie ❤ FuLL SeNsuAL BoDyRuB ❤ (AMAZING) ReLaXATioN! Body Slides, B2B - 24
(Tampa, Seminole - Incalls Only)
*Special* Working ALL WEEK... Sweet Southern girl will rock your world!!!! - 29
(Tampa-Sheldon and Waters (Prvt Res))
Irresistible Blonde Goddess~ It doesn't get any Better or any Hotter than this ~ Sexy Miss Britney* - 35
(Largo Private Incall)