Fri 10 Jan
NEW... Grand Opening.... Mins. From Downtown ST.PETERSBURG...Best Asian Massage..... - 25
ManSpa VIP Private Relaxation Heaven for Upscale Business Men - 20
(Tampa, Memorial Highway/Airport/DownTown Tampa)
💗💗 NEW SEXY PICS 💋💋 ~~ PETITE BLONDE ~~ True and Genuine! ~~ EROTIC & KISSABLE💋💋💗💗 - 33
(INCALL St.Petersburg Near Downtown, Tampa)
¤¤¤¤ M A J I C A L ...T O U C H ... T H U R S D A Y .. 80 specials tday¤¤¤¤¤ - 36
(Tampa, downtown Clearwater/ beach area)
Lauren, Well Reviewed, Exotic! Veronica, Slim Mediterranean Anxious to Please - 24
(Tampa, St Petersburg/ North Downtown)
$100 - 24/7 Mesmerising & Unforgetable Sensual Body Massage by FUN,TOPLESS,DD,SEXY BLONDE - 35
(Tampa, south tampa, westshore, downtown tampa,)
Designed Just 4 Your FRiDay AfTeRNooN ♥! My Private Studio * NEaR BRANDON & CASiNO! - 37
**💖Sensual Massage ** Nuru Massage ** Beautiful Blonde ** Private Service ** 💖 - 38
(Tampa, Northeast St.Pete, Downtown St.Pete)
SenSuaL SaTurDay StReSs ReLieF$SPeCiAL$ 80 ♥ KiSSeS♥ 2DaY OnLy! 813/431-7485 TPA/IN - 35
Sexy Curves...Kissable & Sensual ★ Erotic & Exotic ★ Upscale & Discreet ★ - 28
(INCALL St.Petersburg Near Downtown, Tampa)
☼ SenSuaL HeaLinG $SPeCiaL$ ☼ ♥80 KiSsEs ♥ ~813/431-7485~ TaMpA~INCALL - 34
********* Sensual Massage**** Nuru Massage ********** - 37
(Tampa, Old Northeast St.Pete, Downtown St.Pete)
Great Reviews! Body Slide! Outcall/Incall -Upscale residence /Westshore/Kennedy - 36
(Tampa, Tampa, westshore,kennedy,downtown tampa,)
Holiday Special! Body rub by TOPLESS,DD,SEXY BLONDE at Dalemabry/Kennedy house 24/7 incall/outcall - 35
(Tampa, south tampa, westshore, downtown tampa,a)
Designed Just 4 Your FRiDay AfTeRNooN ♥! My Private Studio * NEaR BRANDON & CASiNO! - 37
Visiting Tampa? Experience the Best Massage in the World! Downtown Outcall Evenings Only~Deep Tissue - 29
(Tampa, Tampa Downtown)
SeXy AMaZiNG BoDy ☆!!! Gorgeous Face !!!☆ PeRKy PeRSoNaLiTy ({}) Available !! - 20
(ULMERTON &49th)
BoDy On BoDy WoRkS TReAT YoURSeLF 2DaY! NEAR BrAnDoN / I-4 & CaSiNo! - 37
Thu 09 Jan
⭐ WELL REVIEWED ⭐ Delicious PETITE BLONDE Playmate...💋 Kissable and Erotic..⭐ - 28
(INCALL St.Petersburg Near Downtown, Tampa)
STRESSED OUT? Im a sexy petite 22 year old massage student that can relieve that for you.... - 22
(st petersburg)
Read my REVIEWS! #1 TOPLESS DDs SENSUAL Body Rub/Dalemabry/kennnedy - 35
(airport,tampa,westshore,downtown tampa,, Tampa)
⭐⭐ PETITE BLONDE (GF TYPE)...💋 Kissable and Erotic..⭐ Highly Reviewed....... - 28
(INCALL St.Petersburg Near Downtown, Tampa)
Private house.Just moved here!Topless DDs in thong Sensual body rub! Dalemabry/Kennedy/ in/outcall - 35
(airport, tampa,westshore,downtown tampa, Tampa)
ManSpa VIP Private Relaxation Heaven for Upscale Business Men - 20
(Tampa, Memorial Highway/Airport/DownTown Tampa)
Lauren, Well Reviewed, Exotic; Veronica, Slim Mediterranean & Jasmine, Busty Brazilian - 24
(Tampa, St Petersburg/North Downtown incall only)
I LOVE OLDER MEN!!! (Click Here For Tampa's BEST Daily Specials!) - 30
(Tampa, out & incalls- Downtown/Airport/Stadium)
Great Reviews! Body Slide! Outcall/Incall -Upscale residence /Westshore/Kennedy - 36
(Tampa, Tampa, westshore,kennedy,downtown tampa,)
Hott BLONDE!! Destiney!! Very fetish friendly!! - 22
(Tampa, Tampa *New Location* Armenia & Kennedy)
Available ALL DAY! #1 TOPLESS natural DDs EROTIC body rub! Dalemabry/ kennnedy/ private house - 35
(Tampa, westshore,kennedy,downtown tampa,airport)
B2B/Topless/Outcall- Incall My Upscale residence /Westshore/Kennedy - 36
(Tampa, westshore,kennedy,downtown tampa,airport)
Booking Appts.! TOPLESS NATURAL DD SENSUAL Body Rub/Dalemabry/kennnedy - 35
(airport,tampa,westshore,downtown tampa,, Tampa)
¤¤¤¤ M A J I C A L ...T O U C H ... T H U R S D A Y .. 80 specials tday¤¤¤¤¤ - 36
(Tampa, downtown Clearwater/ beach area)
¤¤¤ M A J I C A L ....T O U C H ... M O N D A Y .... 80... specials tday¤¤¤¤¤ - 37
(Tampa, downtown Clearwater/ beach area)
MIRRORS so you can see every angle of my body!#1 TOPLESS DD'S Body Rub. Dalemabey /kennnedy - 35
(airport,tampa,westshore,downtown tampa,, Tampa)
MIRRORS TO SEE every angle of me! #1TOPLESS natural DDs EROTIC body rub! Dalemabry/kennnedy - 35
(Tampa, westshore,kennedy,downtown tampa,airport)
Downtown Tampa! Experience the Best Massage in the World! ~Sensual ~Weekend Availability - 29
(Tampa, Tampa Downtown)
Designed Just For Your Pleasure...Just You And Me...My Private Studio * NEaR BRANDON & i-4 - 37
CURVY... GF Type 💋 BUSTY & BLONDE💋 Discreet & FUN - 30
(INCALL ONLY..St.Petersburg Near Downtown, Tampa)
Curious? Here's The 411! (VERY FIRST Special Of 2013-- Only 100 COMPLETE Until 8pm!) - 30
(Tampa, out & incalls- Downtown/Airport/Stadium)
Start a whole new life today. bB tantra, tiny, 4'7 Weds 5/20 8am--8pm Big special disc. Only for this block of time - 28
(Tampa, Downtown st. Petersburg)
LAST FEW DAYS IN FL! Escape to your Sensual Massage *** 100 *** Choose the Best - 39
(Tampa, Downtown St. Petersburg)
Lauren, Well Reviewed, Exotic & Veronica, Slim Mediterranen. Nuru + More! - 24
(Tampa, St Petersburg/North Downtown incall only)
***** M O S T ... E X O T I C ....R U B ...D O W N ... A R O U N D *** 80 .. storm.. special - 36
(Tampa, downtown clearwater)
NEW... Grand Opening.... New... Best Asian Massage In ST. PETERSBURG..Mins. From Downtown... - 25
Incall/ Outcall! My Discreet upscale residence! Westshore/Kennedy - 36
(Tampa, westshore,kennedy,downtown tampa,airport)
Lauren & Veronica, Well Reviewed Hot Petite Beautiful Ladies! Nuru + More! Til 10p tonight! - 24
(Tampa, St Petersburg/North Downtown incall only)
NEW... Grand Opening.... New... Best Asian Massage In ST. PETERSBURG..Mins. From Downtown... - 25
$99 Busty and Friendly 727 310 7935 My safe and private place - You're over 50 please - 35
(Lakeland, My Private Residence St. Petersburg, Tampa)
¤¤¤ A L L ...N I T E ...R U B ...D O W N S .. 80 specials tday¤¤¤¤¤ - 36
(Tampa, downtown Clearwater/ beach area)
$99 Busty and Friendly 8I3 357 9227 My safe and private place - You're over 50 please - 35
(My Private Residence St. Petersburg, Tampa)
EARLY BIRD $SPeCiAL$ 80 ♥ KiSSeS♥ 2DaY OnLy! 813/506-8828 Tampa/InCaLL - 34
**** Sensual Massage **** Nuru Massage **** 1-7 P.M. Mon-Sat ***** - 38
(Tampa, Old Northeast St.Pete, Downtown St.Pete)
REVIEWED! Mature, Curvy, Natural Blonde Sensualist Private Incall 11am-4pm Today! - 44
(My Place 10 mins from Downtown St Pete, Tampa)
Want to have a great time? Stressed? Im your young student massage therapist!!! - 22
(st petersburg)
meditation and erotic energy work with a very Berry tiny artiste - 30
(Tampa, downtown St. Petersburg)
Hott BLONDE!! Destiney!! Very fetish friendly!! - 22
(Tampa, Tampa *New Location* Armenia & Kennedy)
WELL REVIEWED 💋 Your Ultimate EROTIC Playmate 💋 Sexy & Fun & Discreet 💋 - 28
(INCALL ONLY..St.Petersburg Near Downtown, Tampa)
Booking Appts. All Weekend! TOPLESS NATURAL DD SENSUAL Body Rub/Dalemabry/kennnedy - 35
(airport,tampa,westshore,downtown tampa,, Tampa)
__________ 🌟 Bree Available Today for Body Rub (Last Appt 12pm) 🌟 ___________ - 24
(Tampa, South Tampa)
Wed 08 Jan