Mon 27 Jan
Let me Brighten your Day and let a busty 38dds blond and Melt your stress away! Katie 727-484-0674 - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Have a Relaxing time with a Busty 38DD Blond that will melt your stress away!! Katie 727-484-0674 - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
END your DAY Strees Free with a 38dds blond and let me Melt your stress away! 727-484-0674 - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
END your DAY STRESS free and let me ( 38dds busty) Blond -melt your STRESS away!!! - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Come and spend some time with Sexy Sasha- Call or text 727-793-5146- for appointments - 26
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
•♡• 38DD KATIE •♡• SexY & BustY BreaTHtakiNg BlonD.-New upscale location!! Katie 727-484-0674 - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Sat 11 Jan
START your DAY Strees Free with a 38dds blond and let me Melt your stress away! 727-484-0674 - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Let me Brighten your Day and let a busty 38dds blond and Melt your stress away! Katie 727-484-0674 - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Do you need some stress relief? Come see me at my new in-call location! I will melt your Stress away - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Tampa)
Have you had a stressful WEEK? Come see me and you will leave stress free 38DD blond,tall,sweet Xoxo - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Tampa)
Fri 10 Jan
Start your morning with a smle and melt your stress away!! 38dds busty Blond -New upscale location - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Thu 09 Jan
END your DAY STRESS free and let me ( 38dds busty) Blond -melt your STRESS away!!! - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Wed 08 Jan
Have you had a stressful WEEK? Come see me and you will leave stress free 38DD blond,tall,sweet Xoxo - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Tampa)
START your DAY stress free with a 38dds blond and let me Melt your stress away!!!Xoxo Katie - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Let me Brighten your Day and Melt away your stress away-New upscale location - Today 9am-7pm - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Tampa)
Tue 07 Jan
Have a Relaxing time with a Busty 38DD Blond that will melt your stress away!! Katie 727-484-0674 - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Start your Week off with a smile!! Let me Melt your Stress away!!! Katie 727-484-0674 - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Tampa)
•♡• 38DD KATIE •♡• SexY & BustY BreaTHtakiNg BlonD.-New upscale location!! Katie 727-484-0674 - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Sun 05 Jan
Let me Brighten your Day and Melt away your stress away-New upscale location - Today 9am-7pm - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Tampa)
Sat 04 Jan
Do you need some stress relief? Come see me at my new in-call location! I will melt your Stress away - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Tampa)
Fri 03 Jan
Come Play With A Busty 38dd Blond _ And let me Melt your Stress away!! New upscale location - 30
(10609-117th-drive north-largo-fl-33773, Tampa)