Mon 27 Jan
Todays Special! 3 hours for 160, $exy @ss avail 24-7 lets party right now!! 813 966 6341 - 44
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon /adamo dr./ tampa incall only!!)
3 hours for 160 best deal in TOWN, Tammy Loves to play so Come today! 813 966 6341 - 44
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon /adamo dr./ tampa incall only!!)
Sat 11 Jan
813-966-6341 3 hours for 160 .Avail 24-7 Call anytime for appt. Tampa Airport - 44
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon /adamo dr./ tampa incall only!!)
Fri 10 Jan
813-966-6341 3 hours for 160 .Avail 24-7 Call anytime for appt. - 44
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon /adamo dr./ tampa incall only!!)
Mon 06 Jan
813-966-6341 3 hours for 160 .Avail 24-7 Call anytime for appt. Tampa Airport - 44
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon /adamo dr./ tampa incall only!!)
3 hours for 160 best deal in TOWN, Tammy Loves to play so Come today! 813 966 6341 - 44
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon /adamo dr./ tampa incall only!!)
Thu 02 Jan