Mon 27 Jan
PERFECT SATURDAY? A Little Golf, A Little Boating! Labor Weekend SPECIAL with Grace - 44
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Mature Enough to Know * Enough to Know How * A Delicious Saturday To Be Yours - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Make Sure You Make the Time to Add ME to YOUR Honey-LIST!!!! *Make that list "AMAZING" - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
in Looks Yet Mature in Knowledge ... Charming Affectionate and Intelligent - 41
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
If You are Looking to Spend Time with Someone Fun, Casual, yet very discreet ... - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
" I Generally Avoid Temptation Unless I Can't Resist It". Mae West (irresistible special) - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
I am the Definition of Discreet: Keeping Silent & Preserving Secrets, Mature Yet Youthful in Looks - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
"I Used to be Snow White, but I Drifted." (Mae West) - 44
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
I Sizzle When It Drizzles...See Below for a Rainy Day Special - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
"I used to be Snow White but I Drifted" Mae West. Spend Time w/ Someone Fun, Casual&Discreet; - 42
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
I am the Definition of Discreet: Keeping Silent & Preserving Secrets, Mature Yet Youthful in Looks - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
Grace "The Secret Life" Mature in Knowledge Yet Younthful in Looks and At Heart - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
GOOD GRACE ... Sensual Affectionate ...and THIS IS the SECRET LIFE of a SOCCER MILF - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Golf, Football, or Grace? Too hot for golf, No Bucs on TV, Go with Grace!!! You will be pleased!! - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Every Businessman Deserves a " Personal Assistant." - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
YES It Is A Manic Monday BUT you Still Deserve to Rejuvenate Yourself and Relax - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Too Much Fun in the SUN? Need to Relax after the Holiday Weekend? - 44
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
"There is More Wisdom in your BODY than in your Deepest Philosophies." (F. Nietzche) - 44
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
The Turkey is Gone (I Hope) and Now You Can Spend Some Time the Way You Want !!! - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
They Called it a "Sloppy Win" BUT Bucs DID WIn. Be a Winner with Good Grace (& Always Be a Winner) - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
"The Secret Life" Mature in Knowledge Youthful in Looks and Affection - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
SOCCER MILF Style ...Fit Fun Affectionate Intelligent ... and a NATURAL REDHEAD - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
MONDAY: It CAN be the BEST day of YOUR week ...It can be AMAZING - UP to the MINUTE SPECIAL NOW!! - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
MONDAY: It CAN be the BEST day of YOUR week ...It can be AMAZING ... Businessman Specials - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Mom tired of shopping and ready to let loose!! All options Palm Harbor area - 36
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor area, Tarpon, North pinellas)
Mature Enough to Know * Enough to Know How * A Delicious Saturday To Be Yours - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Mature Enough to Know * Enough to Know How * A Delicious Saturday To Be Yours - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
March Madness, Spring Training & Golf - Just add Grace to make it AMAZING !!! - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Make Sure You Make the Time to Add ME to YOUR Honey-LIST!!!! Make that list "AMAZING" - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Mature Enough to Know * Younthful Enough to Know How * A Delightful Time To Be Yours - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
in Looks Yet Mature in Knowledge ... Charming Affectionate and Intelligent - 41
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
"Don't get your knickers in a knot. Nothing is solved & it makes you walk funny." Grace - 42
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
DISCRETION Is The Better Part of Grace (though all of her is nice). Fit, Yet Mature - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
Do You Like To Keep A Secret? I CAN keep a Secret. Youthful in Looks Mature in Knowledge - 41
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Do You Like To Keep A Secret? I CAN keep a Secret. Youthful in Looks Mature in Knowledge - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
Amazing...Grace ,,,, Special for the Holiday ... Make it YOUR best Pre Turkey Day Ever - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
AMAZING ...GRACE ...the Secret Life of a SOCCER MILF ... intelligent natural witty - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have. ~Author Unknown - 42
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
Sun 12 Jan
Rush Hour Traffic Getting You Down, Nothing Good on TV Tonight? Grace: affectionate mature and fun - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
RELAXATION: The State of Being Free from Tension & Anxiety - Spend time with a Mature Relaxing Woman - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Ask About Amazing Grace's New Opportunities ... Full of Surprises - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
If I'd Observed ALL the RULES I'd Never have Got Anywhere. {M.Monroe) Grace IS a RulesBreaker - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
A NATURAL REDHEAD ... Witty, Affectionate, Intelligent ... All In A SEXY PACKAGE - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Golf, Football, or Grace? Too hot for golf, No Bucs on TV, Go with Grace!!! You will be pleased!! - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Forget the Aggravation of Your Long Week...Sneak In Some Relaxation... Some YOU time !! - 44
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Ask About Amazing Grace's New Opportunities ... Full of Surprises - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Sat 11 Jan
SOCCER MILF Style & Class ... Mature Intelligent Affectionate and Fun ... - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Need To Slip Away from Obligations Today? Mature and Youthful. This Will be OUR SECRET - 41
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
I am the Definition of Discreet: Keeping Silent & Preserving Secrets, Mature Yet Youthful in Looks - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
I LIVE By The Definition of DISCRETION: Freedom to Act or Judge on One's Own. - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
I am the Definition of Discreet: Keeping Silent & Preserving Secrets, Mature Yet in Looks - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
Grace ... Affectionate Intelligent Charming and Witty .... Mature Yet at Heart and In Looks - 41
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Youthful in Looks Yet Mature in Knowledge ... Charming Affectionate and Intelligent - 41
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
You Are A Wise Businessman- You Know How to Relax...& You Know it is Amazing. - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
STRESSED?? It is NOTHING more than DESSERTS Spelled Backwards & Desserts are To Be Enjoyed - 44
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
SECRET - Something kept hidden from others or known only to oneself or to a few. - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
NEW ♥♥ Sexy Hot Blonde Petite 5'5" 115lbs. MILF ■ Palm Harbor Incall US19 - 30
(Pinellas Co, North Clearwater Palm Harbor US 19)
_ _ _ is Such a Natural Phenomenon, How Come There are So Many Books on How to DO IT? - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
Dependably Discreet.-Just One Definition of Our Secret** Mature Yet Youthful - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
DISCRETION Is The Better Part of Grace (though all of her is nice). Fit, Yet Mature - 42
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
Are You Looking to Spend Time with Someone Fun, Casual, yet very DISCREET? Fit & Mature - 42
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
*° *¨¨* EARLY BIRD LUNCH SPECIALS 1 hr $60 Complete Pleasure Clearwater in Palm Harbor*° *¨¨* - 23
(Palm Harbor/Clearwater/North Pinellas)
It's Dark, & Dreary ... I Know Where You Should Be .... Can You Guess - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
GRACE!!! Real True SOCCER MILF Style ... Fit Fun Affectionate Intelligent and a Natural REDHEAD - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
GRACE!!! Mature Independent Intelligent Sexy ... all wrapped up in a SOCCER MILF - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
GRACE!! Will make the Rain Go Away ...Fit Affectionate Friendly SOCCER MILF Style - 40
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Grace "The Secret Life" Mature in Knowledge Yet Younthful in Looks and At Heart - 41
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Do You Like To Keep A Secret? I CAN keep a Secret. Youthful in Looks Mature in Knowledge - 41
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
What Do I Wear in Bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course ....(Marilyn Monroe) and Amazing Grace - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
If You are Looking to Spend Time with Someone Fun, Casual, yet very discreet ... - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
" I Generally Avoid Temptation Unless I Can't Resist It". Mae West (irresistible special) - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
"I Use to Be Snow White, but I Drifted."M.West (& between the two of Us I am Glad I did) - 42
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
"Business Man Special Opportunity" Now Available to Fit Your Schedule .... Darn Its GRACE*ful. - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
"I Speak Two Languages, BODY and English." ( Mae West ) & I Do It Amazingly Well & with GRACE - 43
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / North Pinellas)
After the Gifts are Open, The Thank You Passed Around, TAKE a FEW DISCREET Moments for Yourself - 41
(Palm Harbor/North Pinellas)
Real Job, NONE NUDE girl next door type wanted for executive ASSistant job - 38
(Tampa, palm harbor)
Spend Time with Someone Fun, Casual That Knows the TRUE Definition of Discretion - 42
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
Fri 10 Jan
💜💋💜 Young SEXY MONIQUE💋💜💋 19 Yr old HOTTIE 💜💋💗 - 19
(Palm Harbor, North Pinellas, Tarpon, Pas, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
You Want to be a Winner and to be a Winner, You Have to be Willing to Roll the Dice. - 43
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)