Mon 27 Jan
NeW PiXs ★★5 STAR SKILLS ♥♥ PHaT BootY ★★ THicK ♥♥ FReaKY ★★Check out video♥♥ (read ad b4 u call) - 30
(Hillsborough Co, tampa..incall only..near ybor and casino)
Sun 12 Jan
★★★ Sexy thick chick ★★★Generous men only♥♥♥ Fun, Fun Fun!,,, - 30
(Tampa, tampa..incall only..near ybor and casino)
Sat 11 Jan
NeW PiXs ★★5 STAR SKILLS ♥♥ PHaT BootY ★★ THicK ♥♥ FReaKY ★★Check out video♥♥ (read ad b4 u call) - 30
(Hillsborough Co, tampa..incall only..near ybor and casino)
.bOOty LoVers dREaM♡ pHat tO dEf♡♡ sUpaTHICK ♡♡ 5 STAR SKILLs ♡♡BaDDeSt oN Bp♡♡ - 30
(Tampa, Tampa...near ybor and casino)
♡sUpA tHiCk ♡pHaT 2 dEf ♡KiNkY ♡407+310+1615♡aZZ fOr DaYs♡BaDDeSt ♡♡ - 30
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa...near ybor and casino NO OUTCALLS)
Thu 09 Jan
aVaiLabLe NoW ♡sUpA tHiCk ♡pHaT 2 dEf ♡KiNkY ♡♡aZZ fOr DaYs♡BaDDeSt ♡♡ - 30
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa...near ybor and casino NO OUTCALLS)
Tue 07 Jan
Kinky♥ Thick ♥ Freaky ♥ A grown mans dream♥ Generous men only! - 30
(Tampa, tampa..incall only..near ybor and casino)
★★★ Sexy thick chick ★★★Generous men only♥♥♥ Fun, Fun Fun!,,, - 69
(Tampa, tampa..incall only..near ybor and casino)
Mon 06 Jan
KinKy ☆ FrEaKY ☆ BiG BooTy ☆ AmaZinG SkiLLs☆ CoMe aNd PlaY☆ - 30
(Hillsborough Co, near ybor...and casino...tampa incalls)
Sat 04 Jan
KinKy ☆ FrEaKY ☆ BiG BooTy ☆ AmaZinG SkiLLs☆ CoMe aNd PlaY☆ - 30
(Hillsborough Co, near ybor...and casino...tampa incalls)
Fri 03 Jan
aVaiLabLe NoW ♡sUpA tHiCk ♡pHaT 2 dEf ♡KiNkY ♡♡aZZ fOr DaYs♡BaDDeSt ♡♡ - 30
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa...near ybor and casino NO OUTCALLS)
Thu 02 Jan