Thu 09 Jan
Stunning ____ Blond ________ Busty ________ Long Legs ____Tanned _____Beauty - 33
(Tampa, 14220 66th st. north clearwater,fl.33764)
♥ Stunning Blond ♥ Busty ♥ Long Legs ♥ Tanned Beauty ♥ - 30
(Tampa, 14220 66th Str. N. Clwr. 727-484-0674)
Come see me, Ultimate body slide. Late nights 70 per hr - Jessy - 44 - 44
(Tampa, Clearwater on Gulf to Bay)
Designed Just For Your Pleasure...Just You And Me...My Private Studio * NEaR BRANDON & i-4 - 37
!! come on over to my place, I send u home relieved available now .813-435-5573 text me now - 30
(Tampa, tampa incall by airport)
Curious? Here's The 411! (VERY FIRST Special Of 2013-- Only 100 COMPLETE Until 8pm!) - 30
(Tampa, out & incalls- Downtown/Airport/Stadium)
Supreme Empowerment! Naples! AWAKEN your DEEP MASCULINE With Tantra! - 56
(Sarasota, Naples Florida)
* * * * * 👄 T H E .... U L T I M A T E ... 💜T O U C H ... 80 🌹 I N C A L LS * * * * - 39
(Tampa, Ulmerton Largo Seminole & Beaches)
Sexy 36 DD's Tanned And Toned Blonde, Private Upscale Discreet Incall Residence.Great Reviews!!!. - 45
jessy80 hr,amazing touching rubs and more and stress relief-12am - 44
(Tampa, clearwater gulf to bay)
jessy -, 8am till late night,, holiday special bodyslide or full rub with gf - 44
(Tampa, gulf to bay and 49th st)
Joy Joy Happy Happy Oh Boy My Big Boobs Will Be Your "joy" Toy! Well Reviewed - 44
bad jessy brown wed and thurs reg only 50hr 80hh amazing rubs & slide my bday fri lthru sat 11am - 45
(Tampa, clearwater/st pete airport)
NO HOLDS BARRED-- NO STRINGS ATTACHED-- Nothing But A Good Time!!! .......... ........... ......... - 813
(Tampa--your place or mine!!!)
♥~♥ Journey to my Land of Paradise: A Touch of Luxury ♥~♥ PURE RELAXATION ♥~♥ - 30
(Tampa, Wesley Chapel, SR 54, I 75, Zephyrhills)
Kick back relax, Take a Load Off. Fetish Friendly 36DD's Sexy Sweet Blonde - 44
, I want🎶🎶 jessy s girl 🎶 sexy 80 everbody full fun sexy good time - 45
(pinellas palm habor, Tampa)
MINAKO palmharbour 23 yo petite elite asian princess NOW until 530am hurry! - 23
(Tampa, pinellas and pasco)
3 in 1 late nite jessybrown the badest fun size body slider around,-80 hr12am - 45
(Tampa, clearwater gulf to bay by hooters)
Slim get it all miss claus. Slip and slide body glide, touching oil soft rub stress relief. 80 - 45
(Tampa, Clearwater US 19)
Don’t wait any longer * Come to see me and Dissolve your STRESS Away * Call Me NOW - 33
(Tampa, 14220 66th street north, suite B, Clwtr)
How's This For A Merry Christmas? 100 Kisses All- Inclusive Under The Mistletoe-- TODAY ONLY!!!!! - 30
(Tampa, IYour Place or Mine in TAMPA!!! =))
HO! HO! HO! Give Yourself A Gift You'll LOVE To "Unwrap"-- ME!!! (LAST DAY For 100 ) - 30
(Tampa, IYour Place or Mine in TAMPA!!! =))
Bad Jessy Brown 3 in 1 sexy rub, slide and stress relief get it all 80hr all - 45
(Tampa, Gulf to bay and us19 north)
You need some ~JOY~ in your LIFE!!! *Best Massage in the Universe* Now Available! - 27
(St Petersburg St Pete)
You need some ~JOY~ in your LIFE!!! *Best Massage in the Universe* Now thru-June 30 - 27
(St Petersburg St Pete)
What is your Fantasy? Come and PLAY with a 38 DD blond 12-15-2013 10am-7pm - 30
(Tampa, 14220 66th St.N-SuiteB CLW,FL./TLC)
Your EVERY Wish Is My Command! REAL PICS! Low Flat Rate Specials!!! - 32
(Tampa, your place or mine in TAMPA! =))
Come see me, Ultimate body slide. Late nights 70 per hr - Jessy - 44 - 44
(Tampa, Clearwater on Gulf to Bay)
Come fly w Me! 💖💖💖💖💖Your Sexy Stewardess Delivers!💖💖💖💖💖💖TANTRIC RUBS BUSTY GODDESS💖 - 45
(St.Pete Area Private Residence off 275, Tampa)
50 hh 3 in1 oil rub sexy body 2 body slide and glidestress relief all 80 flat all weekend - 45
(Tampa, Palm harbor US 19)
Wed 08 Jan
* * * * * 👄 T H E .... U L T I M A T E ... 💜T O U C H ... 80 🌹 I N C A L LS * * * * - 39
(Tampa, Ulmerton Largo Seminole & Beaches)
"'*'"R U looking 4 a comfortable place 2 relax & B taken care of? Call Me Alicia"'*'" - 24
~ * KooL OfF w/a HaWt TanTric ToUcH w/KashMir* ~ ♥100 KisSes♥ 813/506-8828 TaMpA /In - 34
It Does not matter when its is Aways a good rubs and bodyslide 50hh 80hr 100hr full - 45
(Tampa, clearwater/st pete airport)
jessy-80 hr-3 for 1king rubs,body slide,,stress relief all together-late-1 am - 44
(Tampa, clearwater,by hooter-gulf to bay)
3 for 1/ rub2.body slide3.full stree relief-80 hr-jessy get it all - 44
(Tampa, clearwater-gulf to bay)
2 $SpEcIaLs$ STaRT YouR SunDaY Off w/KashMir's * ✰ MaGiC BoDy GLiDe * ✰ 813/431-7485 - 36
Summer Fun Barbie Tampa's Hottest Busty Blonde. Coming To Tampa? You Should Be! Great Reviews! - 45
(Fort Myers, Sarasota, Tampa, R.J. Stadium/International Mall/S.Tampa)
sexy women9am-2am I'm ready love too see you # 1 full slip n slide body 2body girl friend. 80for al - 45
(Palm harbor US 19, Tampa)
sexy women in palm habor. love too see you 60 hh relaxing nite sexy. mutalbody girl friend. 80for al - 45
(Palm harbor US 19, Tampa)
SOME THINGS, LIKE MY DDD'S, MUST BE SEEN TO BE BELIEVED """""""" """"""" """ .'''''''''' '''''''''' - 75
(My house!)