Wed 08 Jan
LeaVe U BREATHLESS & SATISFIED ☆ Imani Rose 36DD & Sexy Tia & Alexis 38DDD Incall $100 ALL DAY - 19
FUN FUN FUN * 38DD * Blond Bomb Shell * 9-5-2014 10am-7pm Katie 727-484-0674 - 30
(Tampa, 14220 66 St N,Suite B Clearwater Fl 3376)
~*~Euphoric ~*~ Full ~*~ Body ~*~ Rub ~*~ by ~*~ Sensual ~*~Sweet~*~ BBW ~*~ Goddess~*~ - 35
(St Petersburg INCALL Only)
everyhing sexy rub, slide and stress relief get it all sat sun mon 80hr by Jessy - 45
(Tampa, Gulf to bay and us19 north)
bad ,bad jessy brown fun size body slider/stress reliefer,get it all-80 flat 3 in 1~ - 45
(Tampa, Pinellas Co, clearwater-gulf to bay)
80 hr late nite rubs body slide stress relief 2 am 3 for1 everything jessy - 45
(Tampa, clearwater gulf to bay)
Mouth watering Sexy kitten is Feeling Sexy, Come Make Me Puurrr - 44
Never Seen Before! Will Never Be Seen Again! Low Rate Christmas Specials TODAY ONLY! - 30
(Tampa, IYour Place or Mine in TAMPA!!! =))
♥ Stunning Blond ♥ Busty ♥ Long Legs ♥ Tanned Beauty ♥ - 33
(Tampa, 14220 66th Str. N. Clwr. 727-484-0674)
~~~~~ Thrusting Thursday... (o) (o)... Body Glide Special ~~~~~ - 99
(Tampa, Tampa/ Hard Rock Casino)
Hot Hands...Slow & Passionate Rub Downs ; InCaLL! ToWn ' N' CouNTrY / AiRPoRT ArEA! - 37
WARNING!!! To Avoid Being Scammed/ Ripped-Off -- CLICK HERE!!!! - 30
(Tampa, Tampa--your place or mine!!!)
What is your Fantasy? Come and PLAY with a 38 DD blond 3-28-2014 10am-7pm - 30
(Tampa, 14220 66th St.N-SuiteB CLW,FL./TLC)
What is your Fantasy? Come and PLAY with a 38 DD blond 1-21-2014 10am-7pm - 30
(Tampa, 14220 66th St.N-SuiteB CLW,FL./TLC)
Tue 07 Jan
What is your Fantasy? Come and PLAY with a 38 DD blond 1-4-2014 10am-7pm - 30
(Tampa, 14220 66th St.N-SuiteB CLW,FL./TLC)
What is your Fantasy? Come and PLAY with a 38 DD blond 1-14-2014 10am-7pm - 30
(Tampa, 14220 66th St.N-SuiteB CLW,FL./TLC)
What is your Fantasy? Come and PLAY with a 38 DD blond 3-7-2014 10am-7pm - 30
(Tampa, 14220 66th St.N-SuiteB CLW,FL./TLC)
Stunning ____ Blond ___Busty_DD_Tonght Only 7pm -5am Katie 727-484-0674 - 30
(Tampa, TLC/ 14220 66th Str. N, Suite B, Clwtr)
~-*-~R U looking 4 a comfortable place 2 relax & B taken care of? Call Me Alicia~-*-~ - 24
~-``-~R U looking 4 a comfortable place 2 relax & B taken care of? Call Me Alicia ~-``-~ - 24
PICK ME! ....... .......... PICK ME! ..... ........... PICK ME! ......... .... SLIM WITH DDD'S! .... - 813
Pix Taken TODAY!! LAST DAY Of My Get To Know Me Discount! *Call For Details!* I LOVE OLDER GUYS!!! - 30
(Tampa, You decide! Your place or mine? (Tampa))
SENSATIONAL Pleasure EROTIC BODYWORK ~Sexy Slim Beauty w/Amazing STIMULATING Touch FULL Hour Session - 28
~*~*~R U looking 4 a comfortable place 2 relax & B taken care of? Call Me Alicia~*~*~ - 24
N U R U? Where Dirty Boys Go 2Get Cleaned By Naughty Girls $60 sessions. no TRICKS all TREAT - 24
*~JOY~* Currently Available in Tampa Bay!!!! Best Massage in the Universe!!!!! Here to Stay!!! - 27
(St Petersburg)
HaWt LuNcH w/KashMir! StrEsS FRee $SPeCiaL$ ♥80 KiSseS♥ TAMPA/IN 813/431-7485 - 35
bad ,bad jessy brown fun size body slider/stress reliefer,get it all-80 flat 3 in 1 - 45
(Tampa, clearwater/st pete airport)
3 in 1 late nite jessybrown the badest fun size body slider around,-80 hr12am - 45
(Tampa, clearwater gulf to bay by hooters)
All weekend all 80 flat sexy bad girl rubs stress relief 3 in 1 9am to 2am - 45
(Tampa, clearwater/st pete airport)
MINAKO palmharbour 23 yo petite elite asian princess NOW until 530am hurry! - 23
(Tampa, pinellas and pasco)
jessy-1.oil rub 2.body slide3.stress relief-get it all hr 12amall week - 44
(Tampa, clearwater tampa airport/gulf to bay)
jessy,super sexy bikini body slider-stress relief-gf-80 hr - 44
(Tampa, clearwater-gulf to bay-by hooters)
EXOTIC Tall Busty Tanned Blond * 38 DD * * Super HOT 2-7-2013 9am-7pm - 30
(Tampa, 3899 Ulmerton rd suite1clearwater/Utopia)
♥ Discreet SENSUAL BODY RUB For Women In Need Of A Special Touch ♥ - 42
(Tampa and surrounding areas)
♥ Discreet SENSUAL BODY RUB For Married Or Single Women By Sexy Guy ♥ - 42
(Tampa Bay and Surrounding Area)
♥ Discreet SENSUAL BODY RUB For Married Or Single Women By Sexy And Skilled Male ♥ - 42
(Tampa Bay and Surrounding Area)
EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS! TANTRIC Secrets of Activating your Passionate LOVER! - 55
(Sarasota, Naples Florida)
EXOTIC Tall Busty Tanned Blond * 38 DD * * Super HOT & Sexy * xoxo - 33
(Tampa, 14220 66 Street N. Clw. 33764/Incall Loc)
thur fri sat-8o get it all rubs,body slide gf-jessy 9a-12a - 44
(Tampa, airport/by hooter/clw/gulf to bay)
sexy women in palm habor. love too see you relaxing. sexy. mutal body full girl friend. 80 reg 100 - 45
(Palm harbor US 19, Tampa)
^^^^^SMOKING burning hot gorgeous friendly babes in palmharbour 24-7^ - 28
(Tampa, tampa,clrw,palmharbour,us 19 & colonial)
LeaVe U BREATHLESS & SATISFIED ☆ Imani Rose 36DD & Sexy Tia & Alexis 38DDD Incall $100 ALL DAY - 19
little boys like easter bunny/big boys like play boy bunnys--jess-1am - 44
(Tampa, clearwater gulf to bay by hooter)