Mon 27 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
BrAnD NeW*~* How MaNy LiCks DoEs It TaKe 2 GeT 2 the CENTER of A TOOsTie PoP *~*Out Calls Only - 30
(Pinellas & Hillsborough County OUTCALLS)
Fri 10 Jan
ST. PeTeRsBuRg ☎ KHLOE ☎ How many LICKS does it take??? ST. PeTeRsBuRg - 22
(Pinellas Co, ST. PETERSBURG + I-275 off 5th & 34th)
~~ we can be UR BEST KEPT SECRET ~~ come n & PICK ur FLAVOR ~~VANILLA* MOCHA* or CARAMEL~~ - 25
Wed 08 Jan
:} :} *--* How many LiCkS does it take 2 get 2 the center of a Tootsie Pop *--* {: {: All-Inclusive - 27
(Hillsborough Co, STampa * W Hillsborough *TIA* Sheldon Rd)
Mon 06 Jan
:} :} *--* How many LiCkS does it take 2 get 2 the center of a Tootsie Pop *--* {: {: All-Inclusive - 27
(Hillsborough Co, STampa * W Hillsborough *TIA* Sheldon Rd)
BrAnD NeW*~* How MaNy LiCks DoEs It TaKe 2 GeT 2 the CENTER of A TOOsTie PoP *~*Out Calls Only - 30
(Pinellas & Hillsborough County OUTCALLS)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
HoW MaNy LicKs DoeS iT TaKE? SeXY LiTTle BlondE... passionate and intense, pretty and playful! - 30
HoW MaNy LicKs DoeS iT TaKE? SeXY LiTTle BlondE... passionate and intense, pretty and playful! - 30
****** How many licks does it take,,,,,, to make you ??? *****IN/OUT - 21
(Tampa&Surrounding; (IN/OUT))
How many LICKS does it take to get to the Center of this Tall & Long Fun Girls? Private INCALLS - 23
Thu 02 Jan