Mon 27 Jan
9am,/12am all weekend bad bad jessy brown feel so good rubs,body slide ,stress rellef all altoget - 48
(Tampa, US 19 palm harbor Pinellas county)
B2B/BodySlides β=ToTaL ReLaXaTiON =SensUal TOucH! =β hOT Tall BlonDe Sweetie ! Mutual Touch BodyRubS - 29
(Tampa, Pinellas Park (49th St & US 19) INCALL)
best variety ,service,rates NEW adriana ivy serenity &sydney; hurry in get ur gift π
- 22
(Tampa, tampa,palmharbour,clearwater,us 19)
ALERT! + INDEPENDENT FLT RT . . . (120) . hr..b-4 seven pm - 33
(Tampa, us/19/pasco,pinellas/hernando)
9am,/12am all weekend bad bad jessy brown feel so good rubs,body slide ,stress rellef all altoget - 48
(Tampa, US 19 palm harbor Pinellas county)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
bay areas best variety 24-7 fabulous specials graveyard godesses NOW sydney kloe mariahπ
- 22
(Tampa, tampa,palmharbour,clearwater,us 19)
Fri 10 Jan
low . new client. . special. . . prvt. .. . incall - 28
(Tampa, tarponsprings/us 19/pinellas/private/in/)
NEW autumn 23 yo super sweet & petite redhead Pasco today not palmharbour - 28
(north pinellas us 19, Tampa)
Thu 09 Jan
NEW autumn 23 yo super sweet & petite redhead Pasco today not palmharbour - 28
(north pinellas us 19, Tampa)
KRISTEN hot body %%% sweet personality %% gorgeous face%% SIMPLY amazing! - 30
(pasco/pinellas/us 19, Tampa)
Wed 08 Jan
indenpendent sweet jjessy vip full 80 hr only this week 3 in 1 body slide rub,_ 80 - 48
(Tampa, US 19 palm harbor Pinellas county)
indenpendent new location jessy 60 hh or vip full 80 hr only this week 3 in 1 body slide rub,_ 80 - 48
(Tampa, US 19 palm harbor Pinellas county)
B2B/BodySlides β=ToTaL ReLaXaTiON =SensUal TOucH! =β hOT Tall BlonDe Sweetie ! Mutual Touch BodyRubS - 29
(Tampa, Pinellas Park (49th St & US 19) INCALL)
Tue 07 Jan
low . new client. . special. . . prvt. .. . incall - 28
(Tampa, tarponsprings/us 19/pinellas/private/in/)
The Ultimate Experience!! Sexy and Seductive!! Ladies of Executive Nineteen... The BEST in the BAY!! - 99
(Tampa, Pinellas Park US 19 Gandy/Park Blvd area)
indenpendent new location jessy 60 hh or vip full 80 hr only this week 3 in 1 body slide rub,_ 80 - 48
(Tampa, US 19 palm harbor Pinellas county)
best variety ,service,rates NEW adriana ivy serenity &sydney; hurry in get ur gift π
- 22
(Tampa, tampa,palmharbour,clearwater,us 19)
Mon 06 Jan
60 hh new pics well known well loved bad jessy Brown oil rub .body slide,happy rub new pics 80 hr - 48
(Tampa, US 19 palm harbor Pinellas county)
valentines... . .. special. . 120 . . hf. or.....150hr. . flt - 31
(Tampa, pinellas us 19/&springhill;//hernando)
ππππVariety ππππBlonde πππBrunetteπππSexy RedHead πππUpscale Relaxationππππ - 99
(Tampa, TAMPA,PALMHRBOR,us 19,pinellas)
Sun 05 Jan
sweet slim jessy brown 3 in 1 oii rub body slide and stress relief very relaxing 50 hh 80 hr - 48
(Tampa, US 19 palm harbor Pinellas county)
ππππVariety ππππBlonde πππBrunetteπππSexy RedHead πππUpscale Relaxationππππ - 99
(Tampa, TAMPA,PALMHRBOR,us 19,pinellas)
bay areas best variety 24-7 fabulous specials graveyard godesses NOW sydney kloe mariahπ
- 22
(Tampa, tampa,palmharbour,clearwater,us 19)
sweet slim jessy brown 3 in 1 oii rub body slide and stress relief very relaxing 50 hh 80 hr - 48
(Tampa, US 19 palm harbor Pinellas county)
Sat 04 Jan
valentines... . .. special. . 120 . . hf. or.....150hr. . flt - 31
(Tampa, pinellas us 19/&springhill;//hernando)
Fri 03 Jan
everybodies favorite COMFORT zone A TRUE vip studio for 5 years - 32
(Tampa, stpete/palmharbour/pinellas/us 19 north)
The Ultimate Experience!! Sexy and Seductive!! Ladies of Executive Nineteen... The BEST in the BAY!! - 99
(Tampa, Pinellas Park US 19 Gandy/Park Blvd area)
KRISTEN hot body %%% sweet personality %% gorgeous face%% SIMPLY amazing! - 30
(pasco/pinellas/us 19, Tampa)